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How to start productive and effective staff meetings

What holds you back from building engaging and collaborative staff meetings

One blind spot most leaders encounter is the culture of choosing comfort over honest feedback.

Choosing comfort is like taking meaning and connection for granted.

A survey of 10,000 leaders by Brene Brown tells us that most people think avoiding tough conversations is polite.

But the truth is avoiding them can hurt your team's engagement and productivity.

Opting out of conversations about change, diversity and inclusivity can corrode trust inside our organisations more than we realise.

On encouraging courageous conversations inside your organisation

Having courageous conversations provides an opportunity to find out how to be more effective - in other words, feedback. We all need feedback.

An important mindset to adopt is that there is no such thing as failure. There's only feedback.

There is no cynicism, blaming, shaming, perfectionism, or emotional stoicism.

It's about creating a space or culture where direct communication takes place.

It’s about challenging current practices or systems, fostering improvement and

growth, and listening to and acting on feedback.

A culture where people have courageous conversations would look like this:

People are OK with uncertainty.

People feel safe taking risks.

People promoting inclusion.

People see innovation.

People understand you can have fear and courage at the same time.

People are brave and have open hearts.

People develop caring and connection.

How to uplevel your staff meetings

1. Vulnerability

It is not a weakness but rather a superpower. It is about letting go of our ego and leaving behind the need to look like we've got it all together. Being vulnerable gives us the power to feel comfortable in pushing against the status quo and asking if there are more effective or productive ways to reach goals. Vulnerable leaders can live in alignment with their values and build collective strength.

2. Trust

Sometimes you can communicate in a very measured and precise way but still be misinterpreted. But when communicating in a high-trust relationship, even if you lack precision, the person will take time to understand you. Trust is the glue that holds people, teams, and organisations together. It is about having confidence in their integrity and abilities.

The foundation of trust with others is based on our ability to trust ourselves.  We must move past the attitude of “this is the way we’ve always done this.” We must learn to trust ourselves to move past the silence and make courageous conversations possible.

3. Building the capacity for courageous conversations. 

It is like allowing yourself to open the doors of your small, warm, comfortable room. Even if you don’t know where they’ll take you, you gain a better understanding of the possibilities. This way, you’ll have more capacity to grow.

As we shed our vulnerabilities, build up our trust bank, and create capacity, we begin to view courageous conversations not as “this feels icky” but instead as an opportunity for growth and success.

To becoming a successful leader,


P.S. Whenever you’re ready, I can help you develop high-performing and supportive teams, find fulfillment in leadership, and create a healthy work-life balance through executive coaching.

To get started, you can book a FREE 30-minute Leadership Success Discovery Session with me.

Every month, I open up my calendar for a handful of leaders to have a 1:1 session with me.

On our call, we dive into actionable strategies to uncover your mindset and leadership gaps and identify your growth opportunities in the next 90 days.

There’s only a limited number of spots, so go check if there are available spaces left 👇

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